I read this on a friends blog and burst into tears... I'm not even joking.. I think the reality of life just hit me really hard.. My babies that I used to cuddle up in bed with and feel their chubby little hands and kiss their foreheads while they slept. Are not babies anymore!
Life is complicated and i really get hung up on nothing ever being clean or looking right. This quote just brings the true importance of life to light... who gives a crap if the house is messy! I'm sick of fighting a losing battle anyway....lol..A clean house is just that a clean house ... but a home with kids and love and playing has messes.. and i would much rather have a HOME any day...
Amen and amen! Very well said. Now, if we can just remember this and not beat ourselves up so much life will be better! Love you! A.
So, so true! Thanks for the reminder. I gotta go play some baseball!
I totally agree. Today I drug Treigh to the store w/ me and we made a joke about everything. It was so much fun. So many time we are in such a hurry that we don't enjoy the moments that we have with our kids. Next week I won't remember the stuff I bought, but I'll remember how much fun we had just being foofy.
O.k. that was supose to say goofy, not foofy. ;)
You have a way with words! Excellent post!!!
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