About Me

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We are the true Adams Family. We have been married for 17 years so far and hope to stay that way forever. We have the best kids in the world. Two boys and two girls. They make us crazy. They also make life fun. Together forever is our goal. Crazy forever.. yep that's what we are striving for.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Weekend Comes

Ladies, I hope you all made it through Fridays task.

Note to self : Fridays sucks cuz of the carpool thing and the bball practices never plan that big of thing on Friday again.

Let me just say, "I know the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, but honestly I had to buy Albertsons cookies." This might come as a surprise to some of you, but I often forget things. Yes Me, and I forgot the Crazy Crappy day Fridays are and planned too many things. But, huge pat on the back here.... I managed to finish my assignment anyway.. people really don't care if they eat my cookies vs Al's cookies anyway right? so why overstress myself . Like I said earlier SIMPLIFY!!!

Anyway today we are MOMness our 1 main goal today is to be a nicer mom. Yell less let things like egg crusted spatulas slide and dirty George Foreman grills... life is short and those kids are only gonna remember if you were nice or mean not how clean the house was... best of luck and ttyt

1 comment:

Candace said...

Isn't it the effort that counts....??