About Me

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We are the true Adams Family. We have been married for 17 years so far and hope to stay that way forever. We have the best kids in the world. Two boys and two girls. They make us crazy. They also make life fun. Together forever is our goal. Crazy forever.. yep that's what we are striving for.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So this week for my "closet" I am organizing the Pantry.

I have to tell ya me and Brian are doing that HCG diet aka Starvation.

Anyway, here I am organizing FOOD that I can't eat and in walks Hayden. She needed a "Snack". (fyi I hate making snacks on this diet) So she rummaged through the yummy piles of goodness that have now taken over the counter and found "Popcorn". That's good. I thought to myself That crap is so outta date it's gonna be yucky anyway............................................................................................................ 20 mins later............................................................................................... "your right Mom this is a yummy mix" ....................................................................................................................6hrs later (Brian is home now)

"Do you want the rest of my sandwich Dad?"asked Davin

"No, I cant eat that" Bri

"why did mommy eat Snacks with me today then?" Hayden

Let me just say.... it was only shredded wheat... ok, ok, it was chocolate frosted but I was seduced by it's yummyness and Hayden made me do it.

Point of the day: do a food less closet or.... make sure your kids aren't looking when you sneak a snack.


Annie Nielson said...

Well of course you're going to lose weight if you're starving yourself. Kudos to Brian for doing it with you. Jim refuses to participate in any kind of diet--even if it will help me.

I thought you were a Weight watchers gal??

Either way, good luck. Losing weight is hard to do. I'm a big time sweets person--pisses me off that I can't resist them, ugh.

Charity said...

WW is the best diet ever evr.... but HCG ?starvation is quick.. but I am like wise a sugarholic so it comes back quick too.thanx for the nice comments. I do need to try harder..lol